Help Center
On this page, you will find a variety of video help tutorials. We try to keep them short, the time is listed in parenthesis after the video title.
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Creating A User
This video shows the user creation process. Updated August 2022.
Ordering A Starter Kit (11:05)
Need some help navigating the ordering page for a new starter kit? In this video we walk you through the entire process.
How PathCash Works - Buying, Using, Exchanging (1:05)
A quick overview of how to purchase, give, redeem, use and exchange PathCash. PathCash is the versatile virtual currency of
How To Manage Trades (11:32)
In this video we'll walk through how to initiate trades the traditional way. If you're looking for how to do wishlist trading - there is another video for that.
Wishlist Trading Tutorial
You don't have to own your own tag design to enjoy the fun of Pathtag trading by mail! This tutorial will show you how to user our wishlist features to get in on the action today!
Fast Labels Tutorial
If you do a lot of trading you have to check out our Fast Labels feature. Simply highlight an address in an offer or accept message and a mailing label or envelop is made for you. You can then print your outgoing trade labels and envelops quickly. A HUGE time saver for the busy trader.
Multiple Tag Logging
If you went to an event, you may have come home with literally hundreds of tags to log. Our multi-logging tool can really make this process easier.
Logging Pathtags
If you found a tag, you'll want to log it of course! This quick video walks you through that process.
Editing A Tag Profile and Name
This video is a little dated now, but you still follow the same basic process to update a tag's name and profile text.